"The Earth Is Warming, But Why Are We Getting Cooler?"




Registration form should be filled to attend the CİSED 2nd International Sexual Health Congress – 2016 and the abstract submission should be done until 29 February 2016 via cised@cised.org.tr 


1-Abstract submission is free. There is no need to pay any fee for it, only your registration to the congress is required.
2- The participants whose registration fees will be paid by their instituans should contact with Osman ERDOĞAN  at the Congress Secretariat.
3- After the rergistration process is completed no refund will be paid to the participant who would not attend the congress.


a-Writing Rules Guide 

1-Abstracts should not be longer than 300 (three hundred) words and should be wrtitten both in Turkish and English as a Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010 (.docx) file document. 
2- All papers presented at the congress should be experimental studies, clinical trials and original case reports, in the form of the property can contribute to scientific development and have a result message. All authors should pay attention to the spelling mistakes since the papers will be printed as they submitted. All spelling mistakes are on author’s responsibility.
3- The abstracts that were not published elsewhere or presented at any other convention, symposium or scientific organization will be accepted by the Scientific Committee.
4- Abstracts should not include any chart, table, formula or picture. 
5- Abstracts should not include bibliography. Therefore, no reference should be made to citations in the text. 
6- Abstracts should include activity title, author name, contact information including the instutuion name, tel and e-mail.. 
7- The keywords at the end of the abstract should not be more than five words.

b- The full text preparation guide:

The texts that should be declared at the congress should be pepared as follows: 
1- The text should be written using the options including A4 paper size, 2.5 cm  margin on the top, bottom, right and left (16 x 24.7 cm writing area), 10 point Verdana, 1 line spacing, and justified options.
2- Tables, figures, images, graphics used in the text should not go beyond the writing area (10 x 17 cm). Thus they could be preapred by using a smaller font size and line spacing.
3- Texts should not exceed 10 pages. 
4- The headings in the text should be numbered.

c- The work should contain the following sections: 

1-The title of the work (12 point, the first letters in capital letters and justified), full name, title and institution of the author should be mentioned. Address, phone, and e-mail information should be given in a footnote together with the names of the author.
2- Turkish and English Summary / Abstract should be prepared and each should not exceed 300 words.
3- Keywords should be given (between 5-8 words)
4- English abstracts and keywords should be given at the end of the text. 
5--Main Text should include "Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations" sections.. 
6- Method section should include "Research Model, Sample / Working Group on Data Collection, Analysis of Data Collection and Data" sub-sections.
7- Tables, figures, pictures, graphics etc. It should be included in the text. 
8- The peer-reviewed Journal of spelling rules shall apply in writing bibliography.
9- Any appendixes should be given after the bibliography.

You should sent your work, which is prepared according to the above rules, to congress e-mail  (cised@cised.org.tr) until 29 February 2016.